[support] node reference pulling cck fields and taxonomy terms

John Callahan john.callahan at UDel.Edu
Fri Jun 19 17:36:47 UTC 2009

I'd like to do the following and curious if there's a module or common 
practice that can accomplish this.

I have parent (called Publication) and child (called Dataset) content 
types.  Each Publication node has one or more children Dataset nodes.  
I'm using nodereference to associate them.  Of course, there are several 
tax terms and CCK fields.they have in common.  Can I pull these values 
from the referenced node?   If "pulling" is not quite the way to go, can 
I display and search on the fields in the referenced node? 

When I display a Dataset node, I want to show several fields/terms from 
the referenced Publication node.  When I search on terms/text on the 
Publication nodes, I want the Dataset nodes to appear.    Thanks!

- John

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