[support] Create X nodes

Earnie Boyd earnie at users.sourceforge.net
Tue May 5 11:29:21 UTC 2009

Quoting Steve Kessler <skessler at denverdataman.com>:

> I am looking for a module that will create X number of nodes of a specific
> type where an admin user will stipulate the number of nodes, the type of
> node being created , a user other than the admin to own the node and
> pre-populate a title and CCK fields based on the admin users entries.
> For example you want to have 5 movie nodes called New Movie and populate all
> five with a specific code. The assigned user would then have the ability to
> edit and essentially create new movies without the create node privilege.

Check the devel module.  It has methods to create X nodes and other  
data.  You could get ideas from it.

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