[support] views and filters: any help?

Simone Dal Maso simone.dalmaso at juvox.it
Sat Oct 24 16:18:48 UTC 2009

I hope to explain well my problem.I have a file in excel format.
I saved it into .csv and imported with the node_import module.Now I hve about 1500 nodes and each column of the file is assigned to a cck field.
So, about 12 cck fields, that's all ok.
Suppose the matter is pc.
Each node is a detailed information of a model.
The node contains for example:
processor type, ram, hard disk size, model (desktop/laptop/pda), etc etc.
Now I made a view in which I can see all results in a table.
The problem is that I'd like to use the filters exposed to the users.
The user should have the ability to select the desired type of pc from a listbox (desktop, laptop, pda) and in another listbox select the preferred ram (512, 1024, 2048).
My problem is that I have the two listbox, but, I'd like that if the user select desktop, in the other listbox it must appear only the value of ram of desktop model, instead, the second listbox shows all values of ram, regardless of the selected previews listbox.
So if the user select PDA, the second listbox shows all values of ram, and obviously this is not good, because a PDA with 8 giga of ram  is not present in the database.
How can I solve this?
any idea?

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