[support] OG Unsubscribe Access Denied

Brian Choc bchoc at t4tcolorado.org
Fri Oct 30 20:38:23 UTC 2009


In OG 5.x-8.1 (presently, but this also affected earlier versions), the
unsubscribe URL generated by !url_unsubscribe is /og/unsubscribe/### (where
### is the number of the group node).  However, this URL results in an
access denied, even for user 1.

I found a few issues that were similar, but not quite right (
http://drupal.org/node/334665, or maybe https://drupal.org/node/562656), so
I thought I'd ask here.

Is there a missed a setting that would allow access to the /og/unsubscribe
path or is this simply the wrong path?  I've tried a few variations on that
path, by hand, but every path is denied.  OG Access Control, by the way, is
not enabled.


Brian Choc
Technology Director

Teaming for Technology Colorado
2505 18th St. Denver, CO 80211
P: 303.561.2377, F: 303.455.6462
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