[support] HELP - I messed up my site

Jamie Holly hovercrafter at earthlink.net
Fri Sep 11 12:33:13 UTC 2009

You can fix the bad module paths with a simple command from PHPMyAdmin 
or the MySQL command line:

UPDATE system SET 

After that you need to clear all the cache, so:


Then for each table listed do a

TRUNCATE {table name};

After that if you have problems logging back in to the site you need to 
edit your settings.php and set:

$update_free_access = TRUE;

After that go to siteurl/update.php and run through it so it can rebuild 
the menu router, theme registry, etc. Once that's done change that 
update_free_access back to false (or before you go live).

Jamie Holly

Néstor wrote:
> I was ready to present my site to the boss when I decided to add 
> lightbox2 and get fancy
> after I added lightbox2 every link in the page made lightbox go into 
> action (do not know how).
> I am using drupal-6.12, when I removed the lightbox2 module without 
> disabling it first, things
> stopped working.  Also, somehow I got the drupal-6.13 folder inside my 
> sites/all/modules, if I
> remove the drupal-6.13 folder from the sites/all/modules then I get 
> this error when I try to access:
> Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening 
> required 'sites/all/modules/drupal-6.
> 13/modules/user/user.pages.inc' 
> (include_path='.;D:\php;D:\php\includes') in 
> D:\Inetpub\wwwroot\root\nestor\scroller612\includes\menu.inc on line 346
> My site had a layout of left, middle and right but now the whole site 
> is vertical and the newsflash theme does not appear.  I also get this 
> message in every page:
>    * The selected file D:\temp\filBD.tmp could not be uploaded, 
> because the destination is not properly configured.
>    * The selected file D:\temp\filBF.tmp could not be uploaded, 
> because the destination is not properly configured.
> My suckerfish menu shows vertical instead of being in one row
> All of the pages info is there is just displaying vertically.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Néstor
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