[support] CKEditor and Wysiwyg path problems

Rolf Kutz rk at vzsze.de
Tue Apr 13 17:42:05 UTC 2010

On 13/04/10 11:53 -0400, Luke wrote:
>My path problem is described with no answer on this older post of 
>* When installing ckeditor via drush, it complains that it can't download 
>the library to sites/all/libraries/ckeditor.
>I manually created that path, but it didn't help.

Try manually installing the library there with
ftp, ssh or similar.

>* Wysiwig complains that ckeditor is not detected, because the library is 
>not in sites/all/libraries/ckeditor.
>I am not sure if this is the same thing that the Druple ckeditor module 
>readme instructs to download and place in 
>sites/all/modules/ckeditor/ckeditor, but if so, why is it wanted in both 
>That is called "the CKEditor", not "the CKEditor library" by the CKEditor 
>folks, so I'm not quite certain.

You're mixing up the module CKEditor and the
library CKEditor. Former is a standalone Module
(http://drupal.org/project/ckeditor) and can be
installed in sites/all/modules, later is a library
used by the WYSIWYG Framework
(http://drupal.org/project/wysiwyg) and should be
installed in sites/all/libraries/ckeditor.

>Would it be sufficient to create a symlink from the libraries version to 
>the module version?  I.E.:
>ln -s /.../modules/ckeditor/ckeditor /.../libraries/ckeditor

You should not use both the standalone version and
the wysiwyg Framework version. Choose one.

>All I am trying to do is to get IMCE working with CKEditor.:(

Use the WYSIWYG-IMCE Bridge


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