[support] Error on when creating image content "the selected file could not be copied"

Matt Jones matt at snurfer.org
Mon Mar 8 14:08:12 UTC 2010

Hello all!

I've been running drupal 6.15 for a few weeks now, using it to learn
the system, having had no previous experience of drupal. I have just
tried to create an image node by going to "create content" and then
selecting "image". I have the Image module installed and the dependent
modules Image Attach, Image Gallery, Image Import and Upload Image

I select an image to upload form my desktop machine using the file
browser form widget but when I save the image the following screen
alerts me to the following problem in a red box at the top of the

"The selected file [path to my drupal install's document
could not be copied."

I get the same error when I try to edit the image and upload a new verison.

I've had a look in that folder and the image has been uploaded there
all right. Could it be that I have been a bit too strict with the
permissions elsewhere in the filesystem? However, I'm unsure of where
it's trying to move them to and when I check the PHP error log there
are no permission denied errors.

Also, I am curious about that path. When I go to Site configuration >
images the default image import path is sites/default/files/tmp/image
, so where is drupal getting the sites/default/files/tmp/image path
from? No doubt some newbie error I made during the configuration.

Thanks in advance for any help you can supply, please let me know if I
have left out any relevant information.

Matt Jones

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