[support] How to use ajax in form_submit_handler

Doug doug.duboulay at gmail.com
Tue May 11 01:15:52 UTC 2010

On Mon, 10 May 2010, Scott wrote:
> I'm venturing into new territory regarding drupal module development.
> I'm working on a module that creates a form for collecting information
> used to build a url.  The url is for an api that returns XML (not JSON).
> I need to know the preferred method for using ajax to either populate a
> div on the existing page or redirect to a new page.  About all I've come
> up with while searching is AHAH and JSON.

This is just my experience - I've got no idea about "best practice".

Basically, for the page containing the form, you would need to call
drupal_add_js(file.js) to pipe your AJAX javascript to the client. 
In the file.js you add your jquery AJAX callback function to 
your module menu defined 'type'=>MENU_CALLBACK function - (which
is a hidden URL that never appears in the menu)

And for me, at least, my callback func had to finish with

  if (!empty($_POST['js'])) {
    //jQuery made the call.
    //This will return a result to jQuery's request.

One of the issues I encountered, in Drupal 6 is that every Forms API
button, thinks its a "submit" button and wants to callhome for a
page refresh, rather than an asynchronous background page update.

I had to work around that with a from element like this:

  $fform['apply']['Update'] = array(
      '#weight' => 200,
       // #button_type attribute ignored (=submit) bug work-around
      '#type' => 'markup',
      '#prefix' => '<input type="button" id="edit-apply-Update"' .
         ' value="Save new schedule" onclick="' .
            'mymodule_update_schedule_js(\'' .
            $base_url . '/?q=mymodule/admin/bookings/schedule/update\');" ' .
      '#value' => ' ',

where mymodule_update_schedule_js() is something you defined in file.js
and its argument is your target MENU_CALLBACK  url.
I had something like this:

function proposaldb_update_schedule_js(updateTarget) {
    var jsonData = JSON.stringify( stuff );
    var instrument = $('#edit-filter-instrument').val();
      type: 'POST',
      url: updateTarget + "/" + $('#edit-filter-instrument').val(),
      dataType: 'json',
      data: 'js=' + jsonData,
      error: function( XmlHttpObj,status,errorT) {
        alert("error uploading new JSON schedule " + status + ": " +errorT);
      success: function( data) {
        alert("successfully rescheduled");

Hope this helps

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