[support] AHAH 403 error

Scott scott at bscottholmes.com
Thu May 13 05:32:02 UTC 2010

Quite honestly it would seem I just don't know enough about drupal
development or jQuery yet.  I've generally been able to figure out how
to do things by studying existing code that seems to do what I'm after.
In this case I haven't found (or probably just not recognized) examples
of what I wish to do.  I'd be happy to package up my module as it stands
and send it to anyone interested.  I don't have a javascript function
yet as I don't know enough about how to use jQuery.  I have a form with
fields for "what to look for" and "where to look for it" as well has
hidden value fields for publisher_id and api_key.  If I don't use the
#ahah attribute but use the submit_handler function I can get a url that
can fetch the xml or json from the remote server.  The url works if I
clip it and enter into the address bar of the browser.  The url does not
work as input into drupal_http_request().

By the way, it's no longer a 403 error but only a general error.  I had
thought that if hook_menu got the correct argument the page callback
function could contain any code, even just displaying "Hello World...".

Thanks for all the help so far...

On Thu, 2010-05-13 at 10:32 +1000, Doug wrote:
> On Thu, 13 May 2010, Scott wrote:
> >  What I can't seem to do is get the
> > submit button to work correctly.
> can you post the snippets of FORMS API code where you generate the button,
> the generated html containing the button, and possibly the javascript code
> that is supposed to be called?
> Assume you're testing with firefox web developer plugin and looking at
> the error console?
> Explorer seems to always want to debug from a certain line number too.

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