[support] refreshing jcarousel item list without page reload

Christopher M. Jones cjones at partialflow.com
Thu Nov 18 15:26:57 UTC 2010

Ahh... because it's not a function. I was slapping out that code off the 
top of my head, just to give you the gist. Guess I was thinking of 
JSON.parse and mixing it up with the php function json_decode(). Maybe 
Drupal.parseJson()? Check this out:


Also, you gotta listen to me, brother. This code is bad:

global $base_url;

You've got to use the API for this stuff. Pick from any of the following:

$items, '<img src='.url('sites/default/files...').'>';
$items, theme('image', url(...)),
$itmes, theme('imagecache', 'preset', $filename),

And check the api documentation for those functions before using them. 
Accuracy not guaranteed

On 11/18/2010 10:08 AM, Aldo Martinez Selleras wrote:
> I have this function callback
> function classification( $a = NULL ) {
>      global $base_url;
>      $awards = profile_award('1');
>      $n = count($awards);
>      $items = array();
>      for ( $x = 0; $x<  $n; $x++) {
>          array_push($items, "<img
> src=\"$base_url/sites/default/files/viewer/objects/backgrounds/" .
> $awards[$x]['background'] . "\" width=\"75\" height=\"75/>");
>      }
>      print drupal_json($items);
> }
> And when the select option change, it call this function:
> function refresh_award() {
>      $.get('/classification/', function(data){
>       var node = JSON.decode(data);
>       console.log( node ); // open firebug console to see the data
>     });
> };
> But in firebug console I'm receiving this
> JSON.decode is not a function
> var node = JSON.decode(data);
> why?

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