[support] custom notification system

Aldo Martinez Selleras aldo at caonao.cu
Wed Oct 27 20:59:23 UTC 2010

I'm working on a system developed in drupal.
In this system create trophies to be assigned to users according to the 
behavior of these in different ways. Trophies will have categories related 
to aspects.
I need each time you create one of these categories will send a notification 
to the user webmaster and this will give permission to be believed or not 
the proposed category.
The problem I see is that all these modules I created without using 
precisely the nodes in drupal, I mean, use separate tables, and I think that 
the application of the actions and triggers will not adequate as i need, 
using the hook_nodeapi.
Someone can give me any suggestions on how we could create a notifications 
system that meets my expectations?

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