[support] Webform

Ayath ULLAH ayath at hotmail.co.uk
Fri Jan 21 10:23:41 UTC 2011

I'm using the webform module on my site for users to submit one textbox of data and I'm using the webform validation module to validate the data submitted.
I'd like to query a mysql table within the current drupal database to show upn custom information depending on the suers submission.
The queried data should be sshown on the confirmation page.
I'd like to use php input format as a confirmation message. The php code will query the databse and show the results to the user.
Is it possible to achieve this with a mdle or do I have to hand code everything? Is there another way to add a second handler to the submit button?
Also I'd like to show a loading bar for about five seconds before the confirmation message is shown. Any simple ways I can implement this?

Kind regards,

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