[support] repairing a website

James R Stone fndtn357 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 29 18:53:09 UTC 2011

I have inherited a website that has third-party modules installed into the
modules folder at the root level with the core modules, not
sites/all/modules folder. Initially, I tried to  move the directories one at
at a time into the appropriate folder and the site broke. The core is 6.19.
Would it be best to upgrade the core first?
Should I disable the module, followed by downloading and installing the same
module in the correct folder and then re-enabling it?
Should I download and install all of the third party modules in the correct
folder first, delete the other inappropriately located folders, and then run
update first?
Do I need to recreate the entire site from scratch?

Best Regards,
James R Stone
fndtn357 at gmail.com

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