[support] Content type modules, install and uninstall code

Alex Adams alex at a2technology.com
Wed Jun 1 00:12:37 UTC 2011

Next question.  How do you copy code out of Dreamweaver and have it come out
looking right?
Alex Adams

hawkVision ‹ see the elephant for what it is
A2 Technology Partners, Inc.
alex at a2technology.com

From: Alex Adams <alex at a2technology.com>
Reply-To: <support at drupal.org>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 16:51:09 -0700
To: <support at drupal.org>
Subject: [support] Content type modules, install and uninstall code

I¹m new to Drupal.  A very experienced programmer, but new to Drupal.  I
have worked my way through Beginning Drupal 7 by Todd Tomlinson and Pro
Drupal 7 Development by Todd Tomlinson and John K VanDyk.  I¹ve watched some
videos and online code examples.

Here¹s where I am in my project.  The site is set up, contributed modules
installed, base theme installed.  I¹m beginning to add 13 custom content
types.  I want them to be added from modules, 1 for each type since there
will be a cafeteria plan.  There¹s much more, but I¹m stuck here.

In the books there was a example of adding one field to a new content type.
All created in a module.  The exercise worked great.  However, when I try it
with one of my modules that has multiple fields, things get screwed up.

 - The fields are added to the database, but they do not appear on the form.
 - During uninstall, the field tables are not removed from the database.
 - I don¹t know how to set all of the properties of the data field or widget
that I can when I am creating a custom content type using the administrative
 - I want the fields to be contained in fieldsets upon installation.  I can
do this if I am creating a form from scratch with code, but how do I do this
in a custom content type module.install script?

I¹ve screwed around with this so much now that I¹m not sure when what
stopped working.

Here are some code snippets I¹ve tried.

function _job_post_installed_fields() {     $t = get_t();     return array(
'job_post_company' => array(            'field_name' => 'job_post_company',
'label' => $t('Company posting the job listing'),            'type' =>
'text',        ),        'job_post_color' => array(            'field_name'
=> 'job_post_color',            'label' => $t('Job post color'),
'type' => 'text',        ),    ); }  /** * return a structured array
defining the field instances associated with this content type */ function
_job_post_installed_instances() {     $t = get_t();     return array(
'job_post_company' => array(            'field_name' => 'job_post_company',
'type' => 'text',            'label' => $t('Company posting the job
listing'),            'widget' => array(                'type' =>
'text_textfield',            ),            'display' => array(
'example_node_list' => array(                    'label' => $t('Company
posting the job listing'),                    'type' => 'text',
),            ),        ),        'job_post_color' => array(
'field_name' => 'job_post_color',            'type' => 'text',
'label' => $t('Job post color'),            'widget' => array(
'type' => 'text_textfield',            ),            'display' => array(
'example_node_list' => array(                    'label' => $t('Job post
color'),                    'type' => 'text',                ),
),        ),    ); }
function _hawk_topic_installed_fields() {     $t = get_t();     return
array(         'hawk_topic_type' => array(            'field_name' =>
'hawk_topic_type',            'label' => $t('hawk Topic Type'),
'type' => 'text',            'settings' => array(
'max_length' => 50,            ),        ),        'hawk_topic_color' =>
array(            'field_name' => 'hawk_topic_color',            'label' =>
$t('hawk Topic Color'),            'type' => 'text',            'settings'
=> array(                'max_length' => 20,            ),        ),    ); }
/** * return a structured array defining the field instances associated with
this content type */ function _hawk_topic_installed_instances() {     $t =
get_t();     return array(         'hawk_topic_type' => array(
'field_name' => 'hawk_topic_type',            'type' => 'text',
'label' => $t('Type of topic'),            'widget' => array(
'type' => 'text_textfield',                'settings' => array('size' =>
60),            ),            'display' => array(
'example_node_list' => array(                    'label' => $t('Type of
topic'),                    'type' => 'text',                ),
),        ),        'hawk_topic_color' => array(            'field_name' =>
'hawk_topic_color',            'type' => 'text',            'label' =>
$t('Color of topic'),            'widget' => array(                'type' =>
'text_textfield',                'settings' => array('size' => 20),
),            'display' => array(                'example_node_list' =>
array(                    'label' => $t('Color of topic'),
'type' => 'text',                ),            ),        ),    ); }
The uninstall script seems to be right out of the book (pun intended).
function hawk_topic_uninstall() {    // gather all the example content that
might have been created while this    // module was enabled    $sql =
'SELECT nid FROM {node} n WHERE n.type = :type';    $result = db_query($sql,
array(':type' => 'hawk_topic'));    $nids = array ();    foreach ($result as
$row) {        $nids[] = $row->nid;    }        // delete all the nodes at
once    node_delete_multiple($nids);        // loop over each of the fields
defined by this moduel and delete    // all instance of the field, their
data, and the field itself.    foreach
(array_keys(_hawk_topic_installed_fields()) as $field) {
field_delete_field($field);    }        // loop over any remaining file
instances attached to the hawk_topic    // content type (such as body field)
and delete them individually    $instances = field_info_instances('node',
'hawk_topic');    foreach ($instances as $instance_name => $instance) {
field_delete_instance($instance);    }        // delete our content type
node_type_delete('hawk_topic');        // purge all field information
field_purge_batch(1000); }

Any ideas?  Probably a beginners mistake?

Thanks in advance,
Alex Adams

hawkVision ‹ see the elephant for what it is
A2 Technology Partners, Inc.
alex at a2technology.com

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