[support] Error with my first module

Marolijo marolijo at yahoo.es
Mon May 30 10:08:13 UTC 2011

Hello, I'm tryin' to setup my first module. Created the .info and
.module files on sites/all/modules/modulename, and start with a very
basic block but when I enable th emodule it breaks my primary links
menu (superfish menu).

Here's the simple code on .module , any idea?

Wich is the simplest way to debug this kind of problems?

Thank's for your time an patience.

function modulename_block($op='list',$delta=array(),$edit=array())
      switch ($op)

        case 'list':
                       $blocks[0]['info'] = t('module test');
                       return $blocks;
         case 'view':

          $content = 'hello world';
          $blocks['subject'] = t('module test');
          $blocks['content'] = "Test";
       return $blocks;

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