[support] @media only and images

tony maciejowski tony at tony-mac.com
Tue Nov 1 05:11:38 UTC 2011

Dear All,
Got back from BAD Camp in Berkeley full of new knowledge.
Trying out @media only. Mantra was design for the mobile and then implement
Mobile first. Progressive enhancement.
rather than elegant degradation.
Such like the Boston Globe's new site. Gradually minimize the width of the
browser to see.

You guys know all about this.

My question for Drupalites: I have a png logo and it doesn't minimize
gradually like I would expect. Barring overlooking something in the CSS is
there some setting in *Drupla* (better name for Drupal imho) which is
stopping it from minimizing?



*tony maciejowski** | analyst/programmer  | websites |
www.tony-mac.com<t_maciejowski at hotmail.com>

*Twitter: anntosh* | *Cell: 323.899.6206* | *Linked-In:* *Anthony
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