[support] Redirect page or disable submit button if no data available in node reference

Jessica Hannan - Halo Digital Design jessica at halodigitaldesign.com
Thu Nov 3 18:13:36 UTC 2011

I have a website to allow parents to register their children for an event.

The events are broken up into age brackets and the client wants the registration to only be available to the children that fall within those age brackets.

I have a paid event page set up with an added webform displaying only the children belonging to the logged in user. (via a node reference and a view)

However, when someone visits the page and they do not have a child in the age bracket, the child field disappears and there is a message at the top of the page: "The webform component nodereference is not able to be displayed"and they are still able to submit a registration.- however, I need 1 of 2 things to happen instead:

A message to appear that tells them they have selected the incorrect Division and to return to the registration page and select the correct Division and for the "Submit" button to be disabled
The page to automatically redirect back to the page where they originally selected a Division.

How do I make this happen?

Thank you!

Jessica Hannan  
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