[support] why is this happening.

Chad Fennell fenne035 at umn.edu
Wed Nov 9 16:12:13 UTC 2011

On Wed, Nov 9, 2011 at 3:25 AM, Jim Ruby <jim at v-community.com> wrote:
> Out of all the searching and reading it seems like I must be the only one
> experiencing this problem. I've reached a dead end. I'll put a copy of this
> post in the module rules area and see if anyone else might be able to help.

Hi Jim,

Sorry to hear this has been such a pain.  Would you mind posting your
installed module list  and Drupal version?  That might help to
pinpoint the problem.

There is probably more than one way this can happen, but I am guessing
 something like drupal_html_to_text()
is called somewhere in the process (e.g. it is invoked when a module
calls drupal_mail()) of sending your email. It does some cleanup on
mail text, including replacing html anchor tags with footnotes:

 // Replace inline <a> tags with the text of link and a footnote.
 // 'See <a href="http://drupal.org">the Drupal site</a>' becomes
 // 'See the Drupal site [1]' with the URL included as a footnote.

The odd thing is, you still have the original url in your message
body.  So, not sure what is happening there.  However, I would think
you were on the right track in trying to find a way to get a raw form
of the URL if HTML anchors are converted into the footnote style.  Are
you using the Link Module to get that ield-roomslink" field, or is
that some other kind of text field?  The Link Module should give you a
raw url option, I would think.

Anyway, an enabled modules list and Drupal version might help to
clarify some of this stuff.

Good Luck,

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