[support] Drupal 7 tutorials

Carl Wiedemann carl.wiedemann at gmail.com
Wed Sep 28 01:57:25 UTC 2011

More advanced subjects like you've mentioned aren't covered well in books
because these issues are very specific to site needs and can be accomplished
in many different ways. Help is usually better served by IRC, handbook
pages, API documentation, groups.drupal.org or issue queues on drupal.org.

Books cater more to introductory topics because these topics are
straightforward and work better in a narrative format. Specific topics also
change rapidly with time; outside of very general information, books have
difficulty staying timely.

If you aren't having luck with http://drupal.org/books, you will probably
have better luck exploring the channels listed here

Carl Wiedemann
Website design and development consulting
carl.wiedemann at gmail.com | skype: c4rlww
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