[support] Can't adjust node weight from menu list page

DTH david at hartster.org
Fri Aug 10 08:42:51 UTC 2012

OK; the puzzler is: if I hack menu_overview_form_submit() in
/modules/menu/menu.admin.inc and put a die() statement in the first
line, it dies (correctly) when I submit the menu overview page on a
menu like /admin/structure/menu/manage/devel but if I submit it on
/admin/structure/menu/manage/main-menu [my big menu] it doesn't die,
i.e. it's not reaching the form submit function.

Could this be a setting on my server (e.g. POST is too big? Seems
unlikely, but I've tried setting post_max_size to 20MB)? Could some
other module be hijacking the form submit for this one menu?

On 10 August 2012 08:59, DTH <david at hartster.org> wrote:
> No, it's D7, and the javascript thing doesn't make a difference.
> Changing the weights manually (either by disabling js or using "show
> row weights") doesn't help.
> It seems to be something to do with this menu; it's reasonably big
> (378 items), but nothing outside -50 and +50 as weights.
> I can adjust other menus from the menu list page; I can adjust
> individual weights of items on this menu from node pages. I just can't
> adjust the weights of this specific menu from the menu list page. Odd.
>>Let me guess: Drupal 6 and if you turn off Javascript in your browser you can adjust the weights just fine?
>> From: DTH
> Does anybody have an idea why I can;t adjust adjust the weight of
>>nodes in my menu.
>>I can locally and I am pretty sure the database and code is the same
>>both locally and remote site (it's under source control, I've repushed
>>everything to be sure, I've downloaded and restored  the database)
>>It happened after installing the weight module, but I can't see why
>>that would do anything, and I've tried uninstalling that and nothing
>>Symptoms are: I go to the admin/structure/menu/manage/main-menu,
>>change the links there (either by drag and drop or manually), save it,
>>and nothing sticks.
>>It does stick if I edit individual links.
>>In menu.admin.inc, I've stuck an exit statement at the top of
>>menu_overview_form_submit and it doesn't seem to reach there.

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