[support] Secondary registration

Vaibhav Jain in.vaibhavjain at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 03:48:51 UTC 2012


You can add a field and in which you can store the differentiating values.
You can register one of the user by the same URL, and others by any
secondary URL or passing an extra parameter in the URL.

This way you should be able to change the value of the field, based on the
URL, and would be able to differentiate.

On Mon, Aug 13, 2012 at 6:09 AM, Roger <arelem at bigpond.com> wrote:

> Hi
>   I hope someone can help.
> On one of our sites, the viewer can create an account and be redirected
> to the event registration page.
> However we need to differentiate between members and the public and I
> can find no way to provide a validation procedure that allows members
> who have created their account to enter a validation code only known by
> members so they can be redirected elsewhere.
> Is there a module that can handle something like this scenario, if not
> how could I do this secondary login?
> thanks in advance
> Roger
> --
> [ Drupal support list | http://lists.drupal.org/ ]

Vaibhav Jain
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