[support] Have problem with custom php along side with ubercart

Kokou Afidegnon kokou.afidegnon at gmail.com
Wed Feb 29 09:39:01 UTC 2012

Hi, Good morning,

I am tryingto apply a conditional action on my drupal, page. by applying
this conditional action with the following custom php to add an entry to
the database, but unfortunately, no entry is being submitted. and there is
no returning error too. can you please assist?

here is the custom php I have added.

$result = db_query_range('SELECT*FROM users AS u LEFT JOIN profile_values
AS pv ON u.uid = pv.uid WHERE u.uid = %d', $order->uid, 0, 10);

  while ($res = db_fetch_object($result)) {
$data = array(
'id' => '',
'reqadm_login' => $res->name,
'reqadm_pass' => $res->pass,
'domain_name' => $res->value,
'family_name' => $order->billing_first_name,
'first_name' => $order->billing_last_name,
'comp_name' => $order->billing_company,
'iscomp' => 'yes',
'email' => $order->primary_email,
'phone' => $order->billing_phone,
'addr1' => $order->billing_street1,
'addr2' => $order->billing_street2,
'zipcode' => $order->billing_postal_code,
'city' => $order->billing_city,
'country' => $order->billing_country,
'paiement_id' => $order->order_id,
'product_id' => $order->,
'shopper_ip' => $order->host,
'date' => $nowdate,
'time' => $nowtime,
'add_service' => 'yes'
  drupal_write_record('new_admin', $data);
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