[support] Need feature information about LDAP Integration module...

Barry Smith bnsmith001 at gmail.com
Tue Jun 26 17:07:28 UTC 2012

I see that the LDAP Integration module (from
http://drupal.org/project/ldap_integration) contains 4 modules --
o  ldapauth - allows users to authenticate against multiple LDAP or AD servers.
o  ldapgroups - use LDAP groups as Drupal roles
o  ldapdata - provides read or read/write access to LDAP data from within Drupal
o  ldaphelp - to help with the other 3

Are all changes logged (for rollback), as well as the user who is
making the change?

cgmonroe is the last person who was inside the code for this module, I think.

Barry Smith
e bnsmith001 at gmail.com

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