[support] Duplicate entry error

Ms. Nancy Wichmann nan_wich at bellsouth.net
Fri Mar 16 17:54:21 UTC 2012

Thanks, Mike. I'll have to check that. They're using the Newswire theme and does use Skinr. Also, the site is still on 6.22.

Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. -- Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.

> From: Michael Prasuhn
Do you have an old version of the Skinr module installed? Older version
>are particularly prone to causing this problem.
>In short this problem is caused by a race condition when two separate
>requests are trying to rebuild the theme information in the database
>from all the individual .info files.
>This was fixed by introducing a lock there to prevent concurrent
>rebuilds of the theme data, and you'll need Drupal 6.24 or newer to
>prevent these errors.
>Here's the relevant change if you are interested:
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