[support] Entering data into taxonomy

Roger arelem at bigpond.com
Fri May 25 04:50:24 UTC 2012

I have need to let 6 users add or update data in taxonomy fields which 
provide drop down menus for Town. Locality and Venue.
I have an editor's page and menu for such purpose where those select 
users can view taxonomy data in views and select from the menu to add a 
new term to now of the above vocabularies.
In Permissions:
'Administer Vocabularies and Terms' permits this but they can alter 
taxonomy fields and display.
Switch off 'Administer Vocabularies and Terms' and the menu items 
disappear, they cannot add data.
Is there any way to allow the users to add taxo data but not have the 
degree of admin access?
I'm a bit stuck on how to do this, help would be appreciated.

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