[support] administering drupal through the web

Daniel Germer daniel at triple5.org
Tue May 29 14:31:14 UTC 2012

Hi all,
I am looking at the administration of drupal from outside of my
workplace environment, there I use
my own image editor (gimp or inkscape)
itsalltext (firefox plugin)

since I am doing sites for a clinic where access to the internet is
restricted to standard ports (80 and 443, 8080) but not allowed to even
use smtp, imap and of course no ftp or ssh. I am really restricted in
administering my site from there, and also people cannot easily update
and upgrade the site.

I have found that I can install and upgrade modules through the web in
drupal and even tried
live_css (which does not work for me so well)

What are you using in such a case where you need to hand over much of
the administration to people that cannot use ssh, ftp etc.
Any ideas?

The issue with the css is not so important, since those changes should
rarely be needed and could be done from outside the restricted area...

More important is the administration workflow:
I am currently using:

What is your experience with:

Most importantly I am looking for a way to deal with files, with a lot
of files to download (restricted access to site-members) and upload
(multi-upload / multi-download)
File reordering, file pulling in from filesystem (either just using the
filesystem as the storage or reading an existing folder hierarchy into
the database), fle renaming, tagging etc.

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