[support] drupalcommerce

Jim Ruby jim at v-community.com
Fri Nov 2 00:42:56 UTC 2012

Hi, I would like to use drupalcommerce, I have this setup on one site and
the drupalcommerce kickstart on another and I am having trouble getting my
head wrapped around getting this to work.
I am using drupal7.16:

I want to create a simple store selling basic computers for example, so I
would want a product to display several things about the product such as
memory, processor etc.

I've created a product type 'computer', added several fields, but things
just are ot working in either case. Would there be anyone that could or
would be willing to help me figure out in simple steps what I may need to
do? I've read the documentation, but I'm getting no place fast.

Thank you

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