[support] Theme migration and regions

Shérab Sebastien.Hinderer at ens-lyon.org
Thu Nov 8 20:58:23 UTC 2012


I'm currently migrating a Drupal website from Chameleon to a Zen

Under Chameleon there are two regions called left and right. Under Zen
there are two called sidebar_first and sidebar_second.

I'd like that all the blocks that go in left (resp. right) under
Chameleon go in sidebar_first (resp. sidebar_second) under Zen.

I'm wondering how to achieve this. I thought about renaming Zen's
regions so that they match Chameleon's names but I don't dare to do it.

Perhaps I can jsut modify the database directly even if it's not so
beautiful ?

Ideally I'd like the modification to be in the form of a sort of script
because during the migration I'll probably want to reinject several
times the prod database (using Chameleon) into the dev one (using Zen).
And I'd like to having to avoid re-assigning regions to blocks each

Many thanks for any advice !

Best wishes,

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