[support] change the Site name by an image

Roger arelem at bigpond.com
Tue Oct 2 06:38:38 UTC 2012

I am coming in late on this discussion.
In Bartik and Garland I find it difficult to change header things even 
if trying to change page.tpl.php so went to Mayo and set that up, it has 
a lot of advantages not available in Bartik or Garland.

The way I change the Site Name area is to leave those empty by going to 
Configuration -> Site Information.

Then, I create my header image as a png or jpg, go to Admin -> Blocks 
->Create New Block, Use CKeditor to download my header image to that 
block. No text, just the image.

Then set the block to appear in the header of your chosen theme and save.

In Firebug find that image, it will be very deep in the page structure 
and will have a name like
  block-block-name-number, It's not easy to find but firebug highlights 
blocks as you select them. Copy and paste that block name into a text file.

Then in the yourtheme/css file create a css file called positions.css 
and copy that id or class to the css code to position that image
#block-block-23 /*or what ever*/ {
position: relative;
top:nn px;
left:nn px;
border 1px solid red; /*so you can find it on the page, comment this out 
when your positioning is correct*/
In themename.info point it to the new css file stylesheets[all][] = 
css/positions.css you will see where to put this.
I put this positions.css first in the list, seems to work ok that way in 

Hope this helps

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