[support] Drupal commerce multiple insert

Enrico Pirozzi sscotty71 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 8 08:34:20 UTC 2012

Hi all,
I'm using drupal commerce on drupal 7, and I would like to have a form
with many items and only one submit.

I write a little piece of code to make the form and on the submit
event I can catch all the sku and quantity for each item.

My question is , what function or what functions I have to use to
insert those items on the shopping cart?

Thanks in advantage.


That's one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind

Enrico Pirozzi
Tel.  +39 0861 1855771
Mob.+39 328 4164437
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info at enricopirozzi.info
Skype sscotty71
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