[support] problem with theming the form

Radek mtrener at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 09:49:17 UTC 2012

the code below doesn't seem to work. I've copied it from DGD7 book for 
learning purposes. I placed it in template.php in my custom theme 
directory, but nothing changes to the contact-site-form. I'm working on 
Linux (Ubuntu). I don't understand what's wrong either with the code or 

* Implements hook_theme().
function dgd7_theme() {
   return array(
     'contact_site_form' => array(
       'render element' => 'form',

* Implements theme_forms_contact_site_form().
function dgd7_contact_site_form($variables) {
   // Hide the subject field. It's not required.
   // Change the labels of the "name" and "mail" textfields.
   $variables['form']['name']['#title'] = t('Name');
   $variables['form']['mail']['#title'] = t('E-mail');
   // Create output any way you want.
   $output = '<div class="something">';
   $output .= '<p class="note">'. t("We'd love hear from you. Expect to 
hear back from us in 1-2 business days.") .'</p>';
   $output .= render($variables['form']['name']);
   $output .= render($variables['form']['mail']);
   $output .= '</div>';
   // Be sure to include a rendered version of the remaining form items.
   $output .= drupal_render_children($variables['form']);
   // Return the output.
   return $output;


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