[support] D7: Loading full objects attached with Field API?

Georg Jaehnig georg at jaehnig.org
Sun Sep 30 23:01:59 UTC 2012


On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 5:40 PM, Hadubard <hadubard at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'd say you could simply call user_load($user->uid).

No, it eventually also calls entity_load_single("user", $user->uid);

> If that doesn't do the trick have a look at field_attach_load().

Yeah, also tried that:

"field_attach_load($entity_type, $entities, $age = FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT,
$options = array())

Loads fields for the current revisions of a group of entities.
Loads all fields for each entity object in a group of a single entity
type. The loaded field values are added directly to the entity

... but it does nothing here. And I actually can't see how this
"loaded field values are added directly to the entity objects" shall
happen, as you don't pass $entities as a reference. So how could the
function change $entites?

> Btw: I consider it bad practice to overwrite the global $user object.

Oh right, yeah, good point!

Georg | http://serchilo.net - command the web

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