[support] drush archive-dump selected directories

Tim Johnson tim at akwebsoft.com
Fri Dec 6 00:59:16 UTC 2013

FYI: I am new to drupal, drush and PHP but am an experienced
programmer in other areas. Am familiar and comfortable with the
command line.

I use drush on both Linux and Mac.

I have a drupal site to archive, but there are many directories
under the filesystem root which are not part of the site.

NOTE: This has happened because I use Hostmonster and add-on domains
are "added on" under the site root.

I know that archive-dump has an exclude option and I could chain a
couple of dozen 'excludes' but that's not nearly as 'elegant' as
chaining seven 'includes' - which would be

includes, misc, modules, profiles, scripts, sites, themes

Any ideas?

tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com
http://www.akwebsoft.com, http://www.tj49.com

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