[support] Associating a Link with a hostname (module?)

Tim Johnson tim at akwebsoft.com
Fri Jan 11 01:58:30 UTC 2013

I use linkit with drupal and like what it does - I.E. handles
internal links relative to the main site URL. Therefore, when I test
a site on my workstation and push it to a remote server for
deployment, that is all taken care of. I am new to drupal but have
been doing web progamming for the better part of two decades and my
own tools can do the same thing.

I am wondering there is a module that would enable me to set up an
association between a hostname and an absolute link.
A psuedo-code example using PHPish syntax would be something like
link_map = array('host266.hostmonster.com' => '/my/remote/path/to/some/page',
            linus.johnson.com' => '/local/and/totally/different/path/to/some/page');
print('<a href="' . link_map[gethostname] . '">My dynamic link</a>')

tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com

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