[support] Drush question

Anthony tony at tony-mac.com
Wed Jan 16 07:00:19 UTC 2013

I got the advice on this support queue to use drush rsync and drush
sql_sync last year and occasionally, when I want to be masochistic, I go
back and try to get the site aliases set up (again)!  *On Windows*.
My latest attempt has come to this:

 I have an aliasname.alias.drushrc.php file saved in my site's
sites/all/drush folder. When I go to the root of this site [m:/drupalista]
and type * drush sa* I get the contents of aforementioned file twice i.e.:

M:\drupalista>drush sa
 $options['uri'] = 'http://localhost:8080/drupalista/',
 $options['root'] = 'm:/drupalista';
 $options['uri'] = 'http://localhost:8080/drupalista/',
 $options['root'] = 'm:/drupalista';

Can someone help me with some insight into why this is happening? I assume
I should just get

M:\drupalista>drush sa

I must be misunderstanding something.


*Anthony Stefan Maciejowski*

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