[support] Site Documentation Module?

Bob Turner Bob at TurnerPCC.com
Sat Jun 8 20:51:40 UTC 2013

Is there a D7 module that allows for printout of installed modules and their version information?  Documentation of module configuration would be a bonus.  I could do the same thing with multiple screen prints, but there has to be a better way.

Background: I have two sites, production and dev.  Dev is a VMware clone of production.  Monthly I clone prod to dev.  It has come to my attention that one page on prod has a javascript sendMessage does nothing when clicked.  It works fine in dev.   I’m not a javascript person but when viewing lines in text mode prod and dev they look the same.   I see no module related issues that would cause this.  At some point the developer is going to ask me about it.  I did a manual compare of installed modules and see no significant differences.  I’d like to produce a report for the developer where they could see I have same modules on both systems configured the same way.


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