[support] Print module with Drupal 7

Wipe_Out wipe_out at users.sourceforge.net
Thu May 23 16:23:05 UTC 2013


I have been fighting with this for two days now and I am sure its easy for
a programmer but I am not one..

I have an "invoice" content type and I need to have a printable version of
the invoice that has a completely different layout to that of the normal
node display.. So it seems the right way was to use the "print" module..

I have created my "print--node--invoice.tpl.php" in the theme directory and
have been trying to access the fields.. I have put "<?php print_r(
get_defined_vars()); ?>" into the code and I see there are a whole lot of
values defined but I can't workout how to access them.

Can someone give me the "idiots" guide to accessing and correctly rendering
the fields in the print template of the "print" module?
Even something simple like the ['created'] date for the node??

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