[support] Looking for the best way to display content

Steve Kessler skessler at denverdataman.com
Wed May 29 17:03:03 UTC 2013

I am working on a project that hundreds of files  attached to nodes with a
field field.  Each of the nodes also has term references to a type,
category and sub-category.  I also have field collections that can hold
additional categories and sub-categories.  The goal would be to get all of
the files related to any category | sub-category combo.

When I try and do this by using a relationship with the field collection
and then filtering on the field collection fields for category and
sub-category it does not work.  I am looking into why this is but I also
need to consider other ways of displaying this information.

An example of this would be nodes with A|A,  A|B&A|A, A|B, A|A, C|A

the query would return the results of A|A,  A|B&A|A, A|A

I may be over thinking this but appreciate any help I can get.


Steve Kessler
Owner and Lead Consultant
Denver DataMan, LLC
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