[support] Where is session_name stored in database?

Tim Johnson tim at akwebsoft.com
Tue Feb 11 02:26:29 UTC 2014

* Naveen valecha <valecha29 at gmail.com> [140210 17:09]:
> Hi tom
> I think sesssion_name stored in "sessions" table corresponding to
> session_id.please see
  Hi, Thanks for the quick reply.
  The sessions table has a 'sid' column, which on my system stores
  the session ID, (not the session name).
  As I understand it, the value returned by the session_name()
  function is the name of the cookie that has been set.
  The contents of the cookie is the same as the session ID.
  Example, on my machine, using localhost, The session_name()
  function returns
  I find a cookie named
  and it's contents are
  In the sessions table, I find the sid value equal to

  And that is the same value returned from $_COOKIE[session_name()];
  So the sid value in the database is the session ID, *not* the
  *session name*

  I'm try to find out where the *session name* is stored. It must be
  in the database somewhere to maintain presistance.
tim at tee jay forty nine dot com or akwebsoft dot com
http://www.akwebsoft.com, http://www.tj49.com

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