[support] Set CSS class as taxonomy field for content type

Matthias Fechner idefix at fechner.net
Mon Mar 24 17:46:31 UTC 2014

Am 24.03.14 10:33, schrieb Gregg Marshall:
> Take a look at .	drupal.org/project/field_formatter_css_class and see
> if will meet your needs

I tried it but it seems not to work with views?

What I did is added a new taxonomy field to my self defined content-type.
Then I create with views a new block.
I added my taxonomy field and selected as formatter "CSS Class", as
Target tag "Field" and as Target Level "Standard" (I also tested it with
different settings for target and level).
I checked the "Remove original field from output".

Now I added my new block to the main page section and configured the
block to be only displayed on the <front> page.

If I display the front page, it is not working. Class is not added.

But if I open the node itself, the class is added.

But as I need it for views it seems not to be module I require.
Do you have another suggestion what module I could use?


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