[support] field management and views question.

techlists at phpcoderusa.com techlists at phpcoderusa.com
Sun May 25 15:21:27 UTC 2014


I have immersed myself in Drupal 7 for the last 10 days.  I have learned 
a lot and have a lot to learn.  Please feel free to comment or correct 
anything I might write.

I want to be able to mark articles as a top story and/or a featured 
articles and put a list in the left column.

After reading a ton of the online docs I decided the field management 
and views was the way to go.  I assume I could also create a module or 
put the code in the theme's function file.

I downloaded and installed two modules:

1) views-7.x-3.8.zip

2) ctools-7.x-3.8.zip

I added the two fields as integers and was able to get things working.  
So far so good.

The problem is the at the bottom of the content of the article marked as 
a featured article It shows:

Featured Article:

And at the bottom of the article marked as top story it shows:

Featured Article:
Top Story:

On an article that is not marked as either at the end of the content is:

Featured Article:
Top Story:

Any help and advice is much appreciated!!


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