[support] How to create a Views table with counts per value of a field

Yasemin Barutçu yasbar at msn.com
Fri Nov 21 09:24:19 UTC 2014

I have a report page and I want to create a summary page for my report.

There are multiple fields and that fields have multiple states;
Code (unique) | (Status) | Department
1                      | Open     | Network
2                      | Close     | Network
3                      | Close     | Security
4                      | Close     | Security
5                      | Open     | Security
6                      | Open     | SQL
7                      | Open     | SQL

8                      | Close     | SQL

By using these table I want to generate a view where each department has one row. For each row you can see how many Close or open cases have.

Departmant | Open | Close
Network    |  1   |  1
Security   |  1   |  2
SQL        |  2   |  1

Or if I expand the status like Open, Close, Resolved

Departmant | Open | Close | Resolved
Network    |  1   |  1    |   1
Security   |  1   |  2    |   0
SQL        |  2   |  1    |   2

And for the sum of the cases;

Departmant | Cases | 
Network    |  2    | 
Security   |  3    | 
SQL        |  3    | 

Could you please help me how to generate a page like this ?

No RegreTs

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