Hi,<br>I'm doing some privatemsg module hacking and my client want's to break the "bunch of buttons" paradigm and to have a nicely styled message center.<br>I need to wrap some of the buttons with classy divs but that's not the problem here..
<br><br>I need to find a way to substitute a forms submit button with a link.<br>This is what I have so far...<br><br> $form['new_folder'] = array(<br> '#value' => '<a href="javascript:
forms.privatemsg_list_form.submit()">New folder</a>',<br> '#name' => 'op'<br> );<br><br>instead of something like this ..<br><br> $form['new_message'] = array(<br> '#type' => 'submit',
<br> '#value' => t('Write a new message'),<br> '#name' => 'op'<br> );<br><br>Now the form that receives this uses the value submitted to enter a case clause so I need to pass the text as the submitted value...
<br><br>switch ($op) {<br> case 'list':<br> $output = _privatemsg_list($arg);<br> $title = t('Private messages');<br> break;<br> case 'view':<br> $output = _privatemsg_view($arg);
<br> $title = t("Read message");<br> $breadcrumb = array(l(t('Home'), ''), l(t('private messages'), 'privatemsg'));<br> break;<br> case t('Write a new message'):
<br> $arg = "";<br> case 'form':<br><br>etc...<br><br>Any ideas or reference implementations?<br>Lior<br> <br>---<br>ליאור קסוס , לינוויט<br><a href="http://www.linnovate.net">http://www.linnovate.net