Example:<br><br>Let's say you go to <br><br><a href="http://example.com/taxonomy/term/5">example.com/taxonomy/term/5</a><br><br>Drupal gives you a teaser list for all nodes associated with term/5. The teaser includes $terms when $links are displayed. Those terms are hyperlinks which take you to the same kind of listing of nodes tagged with those terms.<br>
<br>I think it is a huge usability problem that, for the example above, term/5 will show up for each node with a hyperlink back the current page: taxonomy/term/5.<br><br>The "current" term, somehow, needs to get stripped from "$terms" in that context.<br>
<br>Anybody know how to do this?<br><br>The <a href="http://drupal.org/project/taxonomy_hide">taxonomy_hide</a> module won't solve this problem because it just suppresses $terms, all or nothing.)<br><br>Ideas,<br><br>