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Hello, <BR>
I have set up a newsletter with the module Simplenews. For a user who has an account, or if it is opted out a newsletter from my home, he will receive a confirmation mail in which the variable will be interpreted Simplenews:<BR>
Example :<BR>
<B><I><FONT COLOR="#000000">Nous avons reçu une requête de désabonnement pour l’adresse <A HREF="mailto:toto@mail.net">toto@mail.net</A> du Bulletin d’information de <A HREF="http://www.monsite.com">www.monsite.com</A> sur le site <A HREF="http://www.monsite.com">www.monsite.com</A> se trouvant à l’adresse <A HREF="http://www.monsite.com/">http://www.monsite.com/</A>. Pour confirmer ce désabonnement, nous vous invitons à cliquer sur le lien suivant:http://www.monsite.com/newsletter/confirm/remove/a76…</FONT></I></B><BR>
As if against a visitor who does not have an account on my site is, or opted out of the newsletter, he will receive the following confirmation message:<BR>
<B>We have received a subscription request for the address</B><B><FONT COLOR="#000000"> </FONT></B><B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">!Mailto</FONT></B><B> newsletter appointed Newsletter www.monsite.com on the </B><B><FONT COLOR="#ff0000">!site</FONT></B><B> Site located al'adresse http://www.monsite.com. To confirm this subscription, please click the following link: http://www.monsite.com/newsletter/confirm/add/68ch ...</B><BR>
Have you an idea of the problem?<BR>
Thank's you.