<div>Hi All</div>
<div>I am using betterselect module. I have a custom form, part of code looks as below.</div>
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<div> $locations_arr = array( <br> '0' => t('-Select-'),<br> '1' => t('Anywhere in India'), <br> '2' => t('Anywhere in North India'),<br> '3' => t('Anywhere in South India'),);</div>
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<div> $form['name']['prefloc'] = array(<br> '#type' => 'select',<br> '#multiple' => TRUE,<br> '#title' => t('Preferred Work Location'),<br> '#options' => locations_arr,<br>
<div>When I access the form page, I get warning "warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in C:\http\wamp\www\netcloudjobs\sites\all\modules\betterselect\betterselect.module on line 104.".</div>
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<div>Please let me know, where I am wrong and how to fix this issue.</div>
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<div>NECS, Bangalore</div>
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