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<html><head><style type="text/css"><!--
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--></style><title>Re: [support] hosting of Drupal 7
<div>In case anyone else is interested I have had the following
suggestions and am looking at them all.</div>
<div>I had forgotten to change the settings file in my domain ... but
that is fixed now.</div>
<div>I've been really happy with Rackspace Cloud sites. Lots of
storage, and the uptime on one commercial site I have is at almost 300
<div>I had some sites on Hostmonster, and some on Linode. Both were
<div>I had some sites on Hostmonster, +1</div>
<div>We use Linode for some staging and production, and have heard
great things about (and will be using) Blackmesh for higher traffic
<div>I keep my sites on dreamhost, running slowly. I think there is
RAM issue, but amount of RAM per hosting account is top secret. I have
few static sites, 4 Drupals and 5 Joomlas, all very small traffic.
Last year they were fine, this year after few hardware problems, I was
off line for 2-3 days ( all together) they moved to new hardware...and
I am considering moving elsewhere. I use their shared hosting ( not
recommended for drupal ), website is <a
href="http://www.tkstudiodesign.com">www.tkstudiodesign.com</a> if you
want to have a look how it works</div>
<div>I had hosted some Drupal sites on GoDaddy and they were very
slow, so I decided to try BlueHost for a trial period and the
difference was amazing. Not as fast as high end sites, for sure, but
still... much faster.</div>
<div>I like hostgator.com and I have had very good support with them
they have</div>
<div>even helped me resolve some problems.</div>
<div>The sites I am concerned about are:</div>
<div><http://www.RandallHouseRareBooks.com> this latter had to
come online long before it's finished. I had a programmer work with me
on loading our own db and being able to use it for our "Products"
and he has abandoned me after 50% of the work is done ... he did a
module which is only partially working, to upload ca. 5,500 books, all
individual titles, and being able to display them, search on them,
etc. and I don't have the php or sql knowledge to finish it. We also
have paid already a lot to the disappearing programmer, and funds are
low ...</div>
<blockquote type="cite" cite>We are hosted on GoDaddy, the "web
grid" -whatever that means. The sites<br>
seem slow to me and I wonder what experience others have with other
companies? How much support to expect and speed.<br>
<blockquote type="cite" cite>--</blockquote>
"But where is the ambiguity? It's over there, in a box."