Hi all,<br>I wanted to reinstall my Linux so I backup the my drupal site without clearing chache and disabling clean url and without retaining the permissions. <br>I simply use the command in my shell (cp -r /var/www/drupal ~/DATA)<br>
and backed up databse using mysqldump<br><br>now after reinstalling my OS I just copied my drupl site to same place in /var/www<br>and I set <br>chown www-data:www-data /var/www/drupal/sites/default/setting.php<br>chown www-data:www-data /var/www/drupal/sites/default/files<br>
<br>and restored mysql database properly with same name.<br>setting.php is correct <br><br>but when I am opening <a href="http://localhost/drupal">http://localhost/drupal</a> its showing blank page <br>please tell me where I am wrong? and what went wrong?<br>
is it happening because of chache and clean url?<br><br>thank you<br>