[themes] Theme generator

Bèr Kessels ber at webschuur.com
Sat Jan 7 13:05:32 UTC 2006

Op zaterdag 07 januari 2006 07:14, schreef Jason Flatt:
> Ha ha!  Point taken.  There is currently Theme Editor [0].  Could that be
> used as a starting point, or is that not enough?

Slightly unrelated, yet interesting enough for people, I guess:
I am going to rewrite my code generation scripts in CLI PHP this weekend. What 
this does is (on a *much* lowe level) create code for you to start 
developing. What my fugly shell scripts do now is:
$ ./scripts/make_node news_content newsitems
** adding directory /modules/news_content/.module
** generating file /modules/news_content/news_content.module
** generating file /themes/box_grey/node-news_content.tpl.php
** generating file /themes/chameleon/node-news_content.tpl.php
.. etc

I want to extend these scripts by adding some more theme creation scripts. 
Scripts that hunt the database for some settings (like enabled node types) 
and then create all the tmp files and css files and more like that for you.

If people like to help, we could team up. If people beleive in my idea that 
theme development is something a consultant/designer/developer does once, in 
his/het development environment and IDEs, and not online, then we could team 
up too :)

I still need to find a place to contribute this to drupal. Maybe the 
devel.module, maybe a new location. It will, in any case ship with drupalCOM.


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