[themes] Theming Signup

Lee Rowlands leerowlands at rowlands-bcs.com
Mon Apr 12 09:35:41 UTC 2010

On Monday 12 April 2010 16:39:45 Brian Choc wrote:
> The signup module attaches the signup form to the bottom of $content 
(or a
> tab, but that's not the idea here).  While it is possible to print
> $node->content['signup']['#value']
> to display the signup form anywhere, this results in a duplicate form
> output. I've not found the correct function to remove the signup from
> $content (without removing it completely from the node, which is what
> happens if you turn it off via signup settings). Can anyone help?
turn it off, then have a look at the function _signup_node_output, this is 
how signup set $node->content['signup']['#value'] in signup_nodeapi. 
You'll need to call module_load_include('inc', 'signup', 
'includes/node_output'); to load the function first.

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